3D Laser Scanning (ALS)

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Airbone Laser Scanning

The essence of the Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) technology is that we scan the object from the air – with a helicopter, an airplane or a drone – using a pulsing laser light (more specifically its emitted and reflected light). The distance of a point can be calculated precisely based on the time elapsed between the laser emission and the reflection and thus the examined surface can be modeled.

This type of exploration provides significantly better results than the traditional aerial measurements. In addition to accuracy, another remarkable advantage of this technology is the fast recording of huge data.


Our company has been dealing with 3D laser scanners for several years now, and with our partner companies we have made a detailed survey for several major domestic investments. We provide the home representation of the Austrian Energie Burgenland Geoservice GmbH and use the HUBI-FLY Helikopter GmbH helicopter to perform the scans from the air.

In our joint pilot project with the University of Western Hungary, we tried to present the opportunities offered by the ALS technology, and we chose the city of Sopron as the site to be mapped. The measured areas were:

  • Sopron city center (buildings, streets, cemeteries, roads and vegetation)
  • the edge of Sopron (high and medium voltage wires, roads and buildings)
  • Ágfalva (low voltage and telecommunication overhead lines, buildings and vegetation)
  • Sopron railway station (railway infrastructure and vegetation)
  • Sopron Várhely – Iron Age tombs (search for burial mounds in the forest)
ALS Sopron

We carried out laser (LIDAR) scans, and orthophotos were made, too. Based on the results we prepared the covered surface map of the areas (vegetation, artefacts and buildings) and the uncovered surface maps (wires, buildings, vehicles, vegetation etc.). Take a look at that!

By coloring the terrain model level by level, we have found the original entrance of the Iron Age earth fort in Sopron Várhely, which was introduced at a dedicated conference. The study on this issue also appeared in the Sopron Review.

3D Laser scanning can be used at a wide range, it is worth using it at various areas. Our company has had ALS jobs in the following sectors:

  • Energy industry
  • Transport infrastructure
  • Mapping of areas and monuments
  • Aerial archeology
  • Flood protection
  • Architectural exploration
  • Precision land survey

In addition to those listed, a precision exploration can be useful in additional areas, please contact us for more information. >>


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